Well hello there!
My name is Charlie and I’m not your average cat – I’m the founder of Politically Incorrect Pets, the premier pet lifestyle brand for all those who refuse to conform to society’s expectations.
Now, you may be wondering who’s behind the scenes at PIP, and the answer is simple: my two owners are actually my employees, working tirelessly to make my vision a reality. You see, I’m a stay-at-home cat with big dreams, and with their help I’m making those dreams a reality.
My Meowmy told me I had to say a few extra little things. We offer free shipping across Canada on all orders over $100.00 and free shipping to anywhere in the continental United States on all orders over $200.00. International orders are available by special order only. E-mail us at info@picpetshop.com with the product you want and your complete address. We will advise you of the shipping cost. I know you would really rather read about me but Meowmy told me I had to put that boring stuff in. I hope you check out all the stuff for cats, dogs and the people they own. I picked it all out and I think you will really love it.
Oh! I almost forgot! We donate 5% of all our Canadian online sales to Humane Canada and after every pop up store we donate food and prezzies to some of our local rescues. I think every pet deserves to be as happy as me. I like to think of my website as your pet’s lifestyle store. I like the finer things in life and I bet your bestie does as well!